Online Course Empowers Mind-Body Connection: Unlock Your Body Secrets, with Nicole Fevrier Davis
Nicole Fevrier Davis
Unlock Your Body Secrets, a step-by-step course for those who want to tap into their own intuitive ability to de-stress, solve problems and increase their personal power, is now available online through
Unlock Your Body Secrets was created by Nicole Fevrier Davis, a certified physical therapist, psychic, Reiki master and speaker on the mind-body connection. She designed the course as a means for people to read their own bodies, revealing information about how they process emotions, why they get fatigued, how they respond to stress, and how to solve problems and energetically supercharge their personal power. “No one knows your body better than you do,” she says. “You are your first line of defense, action and empowerment. I want you to feel empowered by that thought.”
The course uses art, visualization and meditation “to bring students into a heightened state of awareness that gives them clarity to any situation residing in their bodies,” Davis says. “This course revolutionizes the current understanding of what ‘mind-body connection’ means to most people. It brings personal power back to the participant—taking the mind-body connection out of the exclusive camp of medical intuitives, fitness and yoga instructors and psychics and putting the power of the process in the hands of the layman.”
Students can take the 14 modules of Unlock Your Body Secrets for any amount between $10 and $40. For info or registration, visit and click on Courses and then Browse by Title.