Crossover Yoga Project Training Focuses on Teen Trauma Survivors: A unique teaching approach combining trauma-informed yoga, mindfulness and art therapy to empower teen girls affected by trauma.

The first weekend in January, Happy Buddha Yoga in Goshen will host a Crossover Yoga Project (CYP) teacher training, a unique teaching approach combining trauma-informed yoga, mindfulness and art therapy to empower teen girls affected by trauma.
This three-day, 15-hour training is open to 200-hour yoga teachers, social workers, clinicians and individuals who work with communities that have experienced trauma. Participants will learn how personal experiences affect professional judgment, and the importance of self-care. They will also learn how systematic oppression—racism, poverty and the impact of trauma—affect them and their clients, and how to integrate CYP’s gender-specific yoga and art curriculum to help guide their clients toward greater self-awareness, self-control and well-being.
CYP Founder and Executive Director Elisha Simpson and Project Coordinator Annie Bingaman will lead the training. Yoga instructor Erin Doherty says she participated in the Plymouth training to “add new tools to my tool belt,” and the experience was life changing. “It left me excited to explore avenues to bring CYP and a trauma-informed based approach to my community,” she says.
For more info, email [email protected], visit or call 914.319.4010. To register, call 845.313.0712 or visit